Field Artillery hoooah!

Age 33, Male

13th Bravo U.S. Army

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Fort Drum NY

Joined on 9/19/07

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religion is fake made up beliefes. i dont have a religion unless i worship the sun and bob marley. and i like the fooli cooli pic.

Thank you! I love that pic too. I don't have a religion either. I told my mom that I am agnostic, and she just shook her head and said she would pray for me lmao

Atheists don't know what they're talking about, they think they'll say "God doesn't exist. If he does exist why hasn't he killed me for saying that he doesn't exist?" You only say religion sucks because they frown upon not lying, cheating, stealing, or committing suicide and doing other emo things.

Whoah buddy!!! First of all, I just wanted a nice discussion. Second, I am not emo, I am a jock and I should beat you ass for that. To address your main arguement, the reason I say god doesn't exist is due to the fact of all these people that pray to him are all a bunch of ignorant, arrogant sheep (Don't mean everyone, just the people I have met; sorry if I have offended someone.) I went to church to get answers and when I began to ask questions about the Bible, my pastor just looked at me with this blank stare like I was psycho for using what "God" gave me; a fucking brain. So excuse me for being a little scheptical toward a God that is said to love us, but if we do one thing wrong; be it steal a stick of gum or murder someone; all sins are looked as the same. So a man stealing to feed his family will burn next to a man that murdered and raped 37 women. See how I can be a little questionable? Now if you would like to return with a proper retort, not a FLAME, but something with respect, I will be happy to discuss it with you.

the quote isn't me either; it's George Carlin <a href="http://www.alternativereel.com/includes/top-ten/display_review.php?id=00106">http://www.alternativereel.com/includ es/top-ten/display_review.php?id=0010 6</a>

Oh, sorry about that, I as referring to those asshole atheists who insults religious people, I wasn't trying to threaten you. Some parts of that was copy/pasted from an argument I had with this other person

ah ok, just I live in a small town where people aren't really open minded to things like religion; I've spent most of my life questioning, then being threatened or damned for just wanting someone to answer my questions. Like I said, I'm agnostic, so it's not like I'm damning the existence of God; I just want to hear some opinions on why people believe so strongly .

The book of lies (the bible) says that adam and eve were originally the only 2 people on earth, and were related. (bible quote ends here) So that means when they had kids, the kids had kids with each other and so on. So basically if the things really went the way the bible said they did.... then that would mean everyone's related to everyone.

yeah really. Eve came from adam's rib. I love how the bible frowns on incest, but how else did everyone come about? LOL

I believe because I have faith. No matter how far-fetched, no matter how ridiculous, no matter how bullshit it may sound, it is something that I've come to accept. However I'd like to straighten things out according to what I believe (for future reference, I'm not imposing this on anybody):

It is said that the price of sin is death (Hell). Because of this mankind was doomed since the original sin of Adam and Eve. It's impossible for a man to live a life without sin, with the exception of Jesus. The only way to redeem mankind was for God to send His Son, Jesus, to earth as the Lamb to be sacrificed for bearing and atoning for all of humanity's sins. Can you imagine that? How someone would give up his son for a bunch of debauching lunatics who constantly screwed him over... and STILL does? This ultimate sacrifice freed man from the inevitability of death, which otherwise would've been everyone's inexorable fate. Through the blood of Christ, we can ask for God's forgiveness for our transgressions. Christians and non-Christians alike.

I really don't see how people have a problem against the Ten Commandments since a lot of them are today's laws. Thou shalt not kill? Thou shalt not steal? Thou shalt not give false testimony (lie)? Of course I'm not saying that one should have to pray his heart out just because he took a stick of gum from his friend, but I believe that the practical perspective of this is that if you felt like you've fucked God over enough, then at least give the guy a heartfelt apology and He'll give you a clean slate.

Up until now, I've assumed you're talking about Christianity and I'm pretty sure that's the case. Regardless of its verity, religion, for countless centuries, has been the basis of cultural development, knowledge, and inspiration. But most importantly, it has been a guideline on how to live a good life and the only source of hope for those who were on their last leg without a crutch. How can you take something like that away from someone?

I love your post, thank you for actually thinking and posting something really worth quality. It's not that I'm taking away someones' religion; it's the fact that all I am doing is asking why do people believe, or why they don't. It's not like I am atheist, I have come pretty close in the last few months. Don't get me wrong, I still believe in God and all, but it's the fact that these people that call themselves Christians go around preaching to others what they pick and choose from the bible; and a lot (not all) of the Christians I have talked to, i live in a small town full of wacks, act all high and mighty, but if you look in the bible, Jesus hung out with lepers, prostitutes, maybe even homosexuals. Yet if you look at those praying Christians, they won't go near any of those; and the fact that instead of trying to help people, they're too busy damning them to an eternity in hell.
What ever happen to love thy neighbor? Or the Golden Rule? At least if people would stop treating each other like dog shit, this world would be better.

Thank god!!! I just thought I lost all that I just wrote!! My keyboard went crazy on me. I blame filter keys!!!!

Ah, those "Christians" huh? Yeah I don't like those kind of people who are on the overly zealous side. As for me, I'm pretty laid back on issues such as homosexuality especially since I recently finished watching a yuri anime series. Sure, I disagree with their choice, but I can accept it since I have no right to impose my principles upon unwilling people.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the gist of this is that you have a problem with people that are quite hypocritical to their religion, and consequently, are withdrawn from the religion they preach. I completely understand, and I'm glad you realize that not everyone is like this -- I can't say that for most other people here, seriously. I can't tell them to stop telling others that they're going to hell, that'd annoy the hell out of me too, to be honest.

To answer your question, it's a matter of faith and the events in their lives, the people they've met, or the conditions that led them to come to their own conclusions. There are all sorts of reasons why people choose to accept or reject religion as I'm sure you're well aware of. Same applies for any religion really, so I can't give you a definite answer.

But yeah, it really ticks me off when I keep hearing of people (especially Christians) advocating intolerance and repulsion towards people who aren't like them. Those kind of people aren't true Christians in my opinion, because they've lost sight of what God wanted them to do.

Thank you very much! You understand what I am trying to say. The reason I am not as close to my religion is due to the fact of the people trying to push towards it. I like to ask questions, and I think that they should at least answer them.

Unfortunately, it's not just Christianity that has the problem with some people being totally crazy bout there religion. If you look now toward the Middle East, there is a good example of radicalism.

Hmmm... Well, I don't practice any religion really, though by blood I am half jewish and half christian. I am not saying there is no man in the sky, but who says it has to even be a man? My dad believes it is an energy or other being, not an invisible man. I don't really follow the 10 commandments, or really any commandments, I just follow good ethics. I definetly don't not believe in a god... but I don't go all out screaming at people in the street "Read the bible or God shall smote you!"

Ah, ethics are the best thing to go by, not a book. I was going to youth group for about three weeks in a row, but I didn't go two days ago lol. I don't think I will go back, I just hate the radical belief system in place in the churches I have been to =\


ur fucking retarded, that's what you are.